Summer Workshop

  The Discovery Lab hosted a Quadrucopter Workshop and it was a success. We registered a small number of 10 students and each were given a kit and lectures throughout the 3 days the event lasted, which concluded in successfully testing their quad-copters. The students learned many aspects of robotics through this event all the way from hardware to software to aerodynamics and everything in between. It was truly an amazing experience for both participants and tutors.

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American Heritage Day Camp

On Tuesday July 15, we had a visit at the Discovery Lab of 30 students with the American Heritage for a Day Camp at FIU. We were able to show them out work at the Discovery Lab which included projects such as the Smart Mannequin, Quadrucopters, Prosthetic Limbs, and the Telebot. They students had a good opportunity to see first hand some of the project they can build in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. It was a great learning opportunity.



‘Girls that Code’ Visit

On Tuesday July 22, we had a visit at the Discovery Lab of 30 female students with the Girls that Code group at FIU. We were able to show them out work at the Discovery Lab which included projects such as the Smart Mannequin, Quadrucopters, Prosthetic Limbs, and the Telebot. They students had a good opportunity to see first hand some of the project they can build in the field of Computer Science and Engineering hopefully attracting them towards these fields. It was a great learning opportunity.

Discovery Lab Summer Robotics Workshop for High School Students

Join us for our Robotics Summer Camp.
July 16 –  19.

Students will learn how to build a UAV (Quad copter) using an Arduino based microcontroller, sensors, wireless communication, etc.

You can register this workshop through :

Workshop Schedule

July 16th


9:30AM ~ 4:00PM

July 17th


9:30AM ~ 4:00PM

July 18th 


9:30AM ~ 4:00PM

 July 19th


9:30AM ~ noon

Introduction to Telerobotics   Introduction to Processing IDE

(build a quad copter monitoring and control system)

Wireless Communication  Final Tune up
 Embedded Programming with Arduino

(build a remote contoller)

 Sensor and Controlling  Integration Test Quad Copter Competition 
 3D Printing Using Google Sketchup & MakreBot 3D printer  Assemble a Quad Copter using 3D printed parts  Test Flight  



Youtube video about Discovery Lab Workshop Quad Copter


 This workshop is sponsored by FIU Discovery Lab and Ultimate Software.